Apply the guidelines for “sales facilities” that were previously mentioned
The following matters need to be additionally considered reflecting the characteristics of cultural and public facilities.
In the case of cultural facilities, such as an event hall, cultural center, stadium, etc., the facility’s Chief Counterterrorism Manager must be designated. The event organizing body (including the event hall operator) should also organize a counterterrorism response team and assign proper duties and roles to it.
If police officers, firefighters, and an emergency rescue team are on standby in the event hall, consultation with them should be made in advance to review the response plan, duties, roles, and organizations in the case of a terrorist attack.
Apply the guidelines for “sales facilities” that were previously mentioned
The following needs to be additionally considered reflecting the characteristics of the passenger terminal.
If a terrorist attack has occurred or a concern for the outbreak of a terrorist attack exists, prevent airplanes, ships, trains, subways, cars, and buses from entering the passenger terminal.
[ Airport, harbor, bus terminal, and train station ]
A security organization can independently respond to the situation if it is capable of suppressing the terrorists.
If train police are deployed in a train station, they can carry out counterterrorism measures jointly with the station personnel.
If the police substation officers are deployed near the terminal, they should build a cooperation system with the responsible authorities in advance.
[ Subway station ]
Counterterrorism measures should be established and performed in cooperation with the subway police.
Consider using the security personnel, such as subway sheriff, as a response team member.
If a terrorist attack occurs, stop the operation of all escalators, prevent people from entering the subway station, and evacuate as many people as possible to the ground. Depending on the situation, it can be considered to evacuate people to an underground facility along the railway (in this case, however, the safety of people on the railway must be secured).
Apply the guidelines for “sales facilities” that were previously mentioned
The following needs to be additionally considered reflecting the characteristics of medical facilities.
An additional emergency evacuation plan must be established for patients who cannot move independently, such as hospitalized patients and patients receiving surgery.
Counterterrorism measures may also include the plan ensuring that pathogens or radioactive materials are not seized by terrorists in the case of a terrorist attack.
Apply the guidelines for “sales facilities” that were previously mentioned
The following needs to be additionally considered reflecting the characteristics of accommodations.
Make sure that the guidelines for emergency evacuation are delivered accurately to all users inside the accommodations and arrange a procedure to check that no one is left inside the rooms.
In the case of a skyscaper, it is essential to review an emergency evacuation route, such as the evacuation route to the rooftop, if necessary.
Apply the guidelines for “sales facilities” that were previously mentioned
The following needs to be additionally considered reflecting the characteristics of urban railway vehicles.
Immediately upon the outbreak of a terrorist attack, prepare against possible subsequent terrorist attacks on other urban railways.
In preparation for a situation in which an urban railway vehicle itself becomes a means of attack by crashing with other vehicles or attacking the train station, consider evacuating all vehicles and stations urgently in vehicle traveling sections.
If an object suspected of containing an explosive is discovered or a threat of terrorist attack exists, stop and leave the train vehicle as quickly as possible (the passengers’ safety must be secured).
Apply the guidelines for “sales facilities” that were previously mentioned
The following needs to be additionally considered reflecting the characteristics of railway vehicles.
It is necessary to check whether passengers should be guided to lie or crouch underneath their seats (if the seat is open underneath, be cautious that a shrapnel can be splintered from the explosion and that a fragment or bullet can pierce through the seat in the case of an explosion or a gun-shooting attack.)
In preparation for a situation in which a railway vehicle itself becomes a means of attack to crash with other vehicles or attack the train station, consider evacuating all vehicles and stations urgently in a vehicle traveling section.
If train police are on the railway vehicle, they should cooperate with other staff to perform a countermeasure.
In the case of a terror threat, immediately stop the vehicle and evacuate the passengers to a safe place (the passengers’ safety must be secured).
Apply the guidelines for “sales facilities” that were previously mentioned
The following needs to be additionally considered reflecting the characteristics of a passenger ship.
Once a terrorist attack occurs, prepare against a possible subsequent attack on another passenger ship.
If the passenger ship becomes a means of attack and crash with another ship or crash into harbor facilities, which makes it difficult to secure the safety of the passenger ship and passengers, consider discretionally stopping the engine (however, the sea and weather conditions must be considered).
If an object suspected to contain explosive is discovered or a threat of terrorist attack exists, consider moving the passenger ship to the nearest land, taking the possibility of emergency evacuation into account.
Consider locking the doors of internal compartments that are difficult for terrorists to enter for an emergency evacuation.
If there is a concern that a passenger ship may sink because of a terrorist attack, consider abandoning the ship (the passengers’ safety must be secured considering the on-site situations, such as the existence of terrorists or sea conditions).
Apply the guidelines for “sales facilities” that were previously mentioned
The following needs to be additionally considered reflecting the characteristics of an airplane.
Preparation should be made for a situation in which an airplane itself becomes the means of attack and crash with other airplanes or crash into a ground facility.
If difficulties arise in securing the safety of the airplane or its passengers because the terrorists attempt to crash down or explode the airplane to use it as a means of another terrorist attack, attempts to overpower the terrorists should be performed.
Under any circumstance, the highest priority should be given to the safety of people and facility users.